BGCEC will offer limited-size summer programs at five locations in Elkhart County. Enhanced safety measures will be in place for members and staff.
Great News! Boys & Girls Clubs and KidsCare are Opening for Summer!
The safety and protection of children is the number one priority of Boys & Girls Clubs of Elkhart County. We are doing everything possible to keep our Club and KidsCare members and staff protected from the COVID-19 virus.
Given the state of the virus in our community, we plan to reopen with the following in place:
- KidsCare will open on June 15th at Mary Daly Elementary and Pinewood Elementary.
- The number of KidsCare members per site will be limited to 45 for June, July.
- Begin or renew memberships with KidsCare for $30 per child starting June 1, 2020.
- Applications available online at
- Summer Program Registrations: $45 per child per week this summer. This summer parents who are first responders or health care workers will receive priority.
- KidsCare will be open from 7:30a.m.-5:30 p.m.
- Parent/Caregiver Orientation for COVID-19 procedures is required before KidsCare members can attend Summer Program. Your support of updated procedures is essential for a successful summer program.
- Elkhart, Goshen, and Nappanee Clubs will open the week of June 15th.
- The number of Club members per site will be limited to 100 per site for the entire summer.
- Begin or renew memberships with BGCEC for $30 per child starting June 1, 2020. Membership and payment available online at
- Early Bird hours: 6:00-10:00a.m. Weekly fees: $45 for first child, $35 for second child; $20 for third and subsequent children.
- This year, families requesting Early Bird are asked to commit to the full six weeks of summer program. Payment in advance of the upcoming week is required.
- This summer parents who are first responders or health care workers will receive priority. Working families requesting Early Bird will be placed in a lottery to randomly select the members to attend Club this summer.
- Parent/Caregiver Club Orientation for COVID-19 procedures is required before Club members can attend Summer Program. Your support of updated procedures is essential for a successful summer program.
Enhanced Safety Precautions
Upon this limited reopening, enhanced safety precautions are as follows:
- All team members will wear a mask at all times when interacting with others
- Regular cleaning and disinfecting will take place every 60 minutes
- Adults other than employees are not permitted into the building; by appointment only
- Dropping off & picking up children will engage a new process to limit contact
- Team members’ and youth temperatures will be recorded each day
- Members will be assigned to a ‘family group’ and will spend the day with the group for their activities, meals and play time. If anyone becomes ill in the group, all members will be notified
- Members will be asked to wash their hands between each hour-long activity
- Members will spend time outside or engaging in physically distanced activities as much as possible throughout the day
How Parents/Caregives Can Help
As parents and caregivers, we ask that you monitor any symptoms keeping your child home if you observe any of the following:
- persistent fever
- abdominal pain, diarrhea
- enlarged lymph nodes
- swollen hands and feet
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- chills
- muscle pain
- sore throat
- new loss of taste or smell
BGCEC continues to monitor all updates from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Elkhart County Health Department for updated information, and are advising all staff, families, and youth members to continue to take precautions as recommended by the CDC.
Please understand that even with these precautions in place, we are unable to guarantee there will not be exposure to COVID-19. We advise that you make any decisions for your family with this in mind.
We realize that Boys & Girls Clubs of Elkhart County/KidsCare is the only place that some of the families in our community can turn to when schools are closed. We are monitoring this diligently and will continue to operate with these limitations in place as long as we are able to provide a safe environment for young people. As always, we place the safety of our youth and staff at the highest level.
More information on summer programs and registration can be found here: