Director of Elkhart's Boys & Girls Club selected for 2020 Executive Journey Fellowship.
This Fellowship is about renewing individuals, which leads to renewing organizations and ultimately, to renewing the entire field of youth work.
Tom Plake, Journey Leader
I am extremely thankful to be selected as one of 30 youth executives in the state of Indiana to take part in The Journey. I believe every professional should look for learning opportunities that challenge them personally and professionally. I feel what I learn at The Journey will be a huge help to our Clubs and the Elkhart County community. I want to thank my fellow youth executives who thoughtfully nominated me for this honor. I look forward to this opportunity to come together with my peers from youth-serving organizations statewide as we develop new and innovative ways to serve the youth in our communities and to strive for excellence in youth-services statewide.
Rubin Nieto, Elkhart Area Director, Boys & Girls Clubs of Elkhart County
We know that youth workers play a vital role in the lives of young people. It has been documented in dozens of ways that youth who enjoy a positive relationship with adults over time do better in life. We also know that many people enter the profession because they ‘want to make a difference’ and they enjoy building positive relationships with young people. The Executive Journey Fellowship provides Indiana’s youth workers greater opportunities to strengthen themselves as leaders and invest in their careers serving the young people of Indiana
Janet Wakefield, Journey Leader

The Journey is home to a variety of programs that support the renewal and professionalization of youth workers in Indiana and around the country. To learn more, visit