Since COVID regulations prevent a public 5K, Boys & Girls Club members are raising funds for their Club by walking it themselves and using technology to bring participants along on a virtual 5K.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Elkhart County's Colors for Kids Family Fun Run and Walk is getting a “pandemic-proof” reboot! This year’s event will look a little different as we all adjust for COVID-19, but we’re committed to engaging the community and providing a great event experience! Get ready to experience Colors for Kids in a whole new way!
The colors, the cause, the kids, and the camaraderie!
Instead of a public event, we’re providing a virtual experience, with Boys & Girls Club members walking in place of the participants. Six Elkhart Club members and their mentors will complete the 5K on the evening of October 15th. An adult mentor will partner with each child to help them raise funds and prepare for the 5K, and mentors and Club members will complete the walk together on the day of the event. Club members will walk to raise funds and awareness about their favorite Club programs. You can make a $5 donation at
One of the event colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple) will represent each team and their chosen Club program.
Colors for Kids is an annual event that supports Elkhart’s Boys & Girls Club. Proceeds from the event support the Club’s mission of inspiring and empowering all young people.
This year, go behind the blue door at Boys & Girls Clubs and find out how and why we do what we do. Leading up to the event, you’ll get to know each of our participants and their stories through posts, updates, interviews, photos, and videos. Listen as they tell you, in their own words, what the Club means to them. You’ll get to hear first hand how your support of Boys & Girls Clubs changes young lives every day.
We can’t walk together this year, but you can still take part in all the Colors for Kids energy and fun. This year, experience Colors for Kids in a whole new way! Through go-pro footage and Facebook live videos, real-time progress updates, and photo-finishes, you can experience Colors for Kids through the eyes of a Club kid! Be their virtual crowd and cheer the kids on! Help us build excitement in real-time by providing online “Cheers” of encouragement during the walk. Show your support and help our kids finish strong!
Meet the Kids and Mentors
More Information
Colors for Kids is sponsored by Lippert Components, Inc.